A few steps across Dubai’s Sheikh Saeed Hall from the edge of the InfoComm MEA exhibition, MultiTouch is debuting its new medium-size MultiTaction iWall. Following requests from customers for a more boardroom-sized solution, the company has scaled down the original 12-unit iWall to create the new product, which comprises nine 55in MultiTaction displays.
Shown on the stand of MultiTaction partner Fractal Systems, the new iWall is drawing the crowds. The proprietary Computer Vision Through Screen technology – in which IR emitters and sensors are embedded within the display itself rather than mounted around the edge – provides ultra-fast responsiveness for any number of concurrent users.
Other features of MultiTaction technology, including simultaneous touch, IR pen and object recognition, 200+fps tracking and ‘Enriched Reality’. Enriched Reality uses 2D optical markers for real-life object detection to uniquely identify any object attached to a marker. In addition to this, Enriched Reality supports blob tracking which recognises all basic geometric shapes including circles, triangles and rectangles.
The display can detect the presence of objects just above, but not touching the screen surface – as EMEA executive sales director Petri Nordlund demonstrates with his hands in this picture.
The full HD displays have a pixel-to-pixel gap of less than 6mm between adjacent screens.
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